King Paddy was bred and owned by L. A. Swineford of Ashland , Ohio . He was whelped April 16, 1909; weight on chain, 40 pounds; brindle in color. He is of the family of Delihant's Paddy, and won first prize at the Cleveland ( Ohio ) Fanciers' Club Show in 1913. The Pit Bull Terriers had no class, consequently he, together with his son Kelley and his half-sister Queen, all competed with English Bull Terriers. They each came out
of the judging ring with a blue ribbon (first prize). Mr. Swineford says of Paddy: "King Paddy is an ideal dog for guard duty and is the best natured fellow in the world, but will invariably take hold of a dog if the opportunity presents. One of his most important engagements took place when he was two years old, when he stopped four dogs in an afternoon, and the four were Pit Bull Terriers of ability. He is the sire of many winners, both in the pit and show ring.