Tiger Jim was one of the best dogs of his day and was an inmate of the Bourbon Kennels of Louisville, Ky., Mr. Rubel purchasing him when Jim was a puppy, from Mr. S. C. Meddick of Ovid, N. Y. Tiger Jim was a solid tiger-brindle, handsome, well made from nose to stern, and about as game a dog as ever entered a pit. He was winner of several battles, the last one being at Cincinnati , Ohio , March 23 1908, when he killed Denny in one hour and fifty-four minutes Mr. L Bowser trained Jim for this battle and he says it was the fiercest fight he ever saw Jim died eight days after the battle. The Bourbon Kennels have contained some of the best pit dogs of the day, among them being old Champion Dan Turk, Pilot, Paddy Prince and others.